Friday, December 18, 2009

Let it snow!
Although they are calling for 2 inches of snow, we have yet to see any snow in Durham today. We hear a winter storm is suppose to bring a significant amount of snow back home in VA. Be careful out there.

What has been happening:
- Amy's chicken pox have all crusted over and seem to be healing well.
- The original PICC line they inserted was beginning to get very red at the insertion site, so they pulled that line and inserted another PICC line in the other arm.
- Amy's liver levels were slightly off yesterday afternoon, so they did a sonogram of her liver, results were all normal. Her counts were better today.
- The pain of the chicken pox has subsided, but pain of mouth sores has increased. The morphine pump is still in use.
- Amy's has started drinking different " protein shakes" we come up/experiment with, since the mouth sores keep her from eating regular food.
-Fevers are still coming and going throughout the day and night, but they are staying closer to 101 instead of 103 like earlier.
- All of Amy's blood counts are going down as they should and another bone marrow biopsy will be done on Monday (Dec. 21).
-The past few days have been very busy - seems like doctors or nurses are always coming and going, CAT scans, chest x-rays, sonograms then throw in visits from dietitians, social workers, cleaning crew, showers, nurses aids taking vitals... there is not much time to relax and rest.
-We are still in hopes of getting out Monday , after they do the bone marrow biopsy.

We would also like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Let it snow!!
Big hugs and love to all,


  1. Snowing, it is!! I have 3" on my steps now and something very fine and icy is coming down. If it continues as long as forecast, we will have quite an accumulation.
    Boy, you are busy bodies at Duke! I hope they give you quietness at night to rest. We are all going to have a day tomorrow to get caught up on things at home. No venturing out for me.
    Will be so happy to hear you are released, maybe Monday. And, I hope you do get a little snow!
    Love you bunches,

  2. It's beginning to look ALOT like Christmas.... here in VA, and it is beautiful! Boy, you two have been very busy. Going home would let you rest I guess. I'm praying that you get to see a little of our snow and your mouth sores get much better soon. Also, prayers have continued for Michael. I hope he is much better.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS, Amy and Kathy...

  3. let it snow for sure!! i bet we have about 8 inches at 10 p.m. eddie has shoveled driveway once already, hardly tell. been ages since i have seen so much snow. it is beautiful, but a whole lot, and much more to come i guess. like phyllis, dont think i will venture far tomorrow. hope tonite is going well, and you can get home the first of the week. wish i could send you a snow cone!! this paper mill snow might fix you right up!! sleep tight.

    love ya, genie and eddie

  4. hey there beautiful!

    Just got in from a christmas party - the snow is BEAUTIFUL!! I wish you could see it. I can't remember the last time we had this much snow! You are ALWAYS on my mind. I love you Amy - stay strong, which I know you will. Take care of you - I hope to see you soon! LOVE YOU!

    Your fav cousin,

    Blair :)

  5. ps. kathy - kisses! you are amazing!

  6. Amy and Kathy,
    We continue to pray that the pain of those mouth sores goes away...I have another Savannah story for you. We were listening to Christmas music on the radio and Santa Claus is Coming to Town came on. Savannah said "Oh Mommy I don't like this song." I said "Why not?" She said "It makes me feel all bad inside." I had to keep myself from laughing and said "Why is that?" She said "It makes me think of that naughty list. You think I'm on that naughty list? Oh Mommy that naughty list..." She just kept going about Santa's naughty list. I tried to reassure her that she probably wasn't on it, but that she should try to be the best little girl she could until Christmas to make sure she wasn't on it. :) These girls crack me up!

    I will pray that the biopsy is where it needs to be so that you can reach the next step in your treatment. We love you and think of you all the time. P.S. The book you made Kelly is awesome!

    Love always to both of you,
    Lee Anne

  7. PICC lines can get infected and potentially cause a serious catheter related blood stream infection. There is a PICC line on the market that is coated with is proven to prevent PICC line infections. If infection continues to be a problem with your PICC line, tell you healthcare provider you want the Spectrum PICC line from Cook Medical.

    Have a wonderful holiday.

  8. Good morning to all-the snow sounds beautiful and I sure hope Durham gets some too-Sounds like things are so hectic and all of you continue to amaze and inspire as you manage this-I sure hate to hear about the mouth sores again-hope and pray that gets better-There are lots of prayers and positive thoughts coming for Amy to get home this week-and for her biopsy

    Mayfield had his complex shoulder surgery wednesday and it has been interesting-he is holed up in the basement in a recliner and I have a cot there so I can sleep nearby-last night was a bot better as we are trying a new pain med-but he is rather out of it-I called yesterday from work at about 1 and asked if he had eaten any lunch and he replied seriously-"I don't know"...

    I did get him out to therapy this morning-so we will have a quiet holiday recovering from this

    Hope Greg gets better and gets down that way-lots of love and hugs to all!!!


  9. If you have not already realized it, NC folks are scared to death of least as far east as we all are...Western NC is a whole 'nother ballgame. Management even "told" us to go home yesterday afternoon when the sleet began....and can't say that we argued...just VERY surprised! Frank is literally snow-bound up at Chris's house in Roanoke where they got between 14-16 inches. He was on the way home in a rental car from Allentown, hoping to get ahead of the worst part of the storm but found himself stuck in non-moving traffic for about 4 hours last night and did not get to C's house until close to 11:00. He and Chris took his truck and went to the firehouse to cook breakfast this am for the crew who stayed the night, and then he'd hoped to get back on the road to return home late this afternoon. Problem is, though, that his rental car can't get out of C's neighborhoon (not enough ground clearance) so he's now shoveling C's driveway and thinking that he'll be there another night....I can certainly think of worse places to be but I know there are things he'd hoped to get done of which includes plowing our driveway along with several of our neighbor's driveways.....Hope you have a good view from your window since this really has been a pretty snow. We have about 4 inches here in K'ville so I'm thinking that tomorrow the sun should be back out again and hopefully take care of some more of the deck and driveway...Otherwise, yours truly will be out there with a shovel...Thinking of you all throughout each and every day....Continue to get better so that you can get back home very soon! Love to all..........Lesa

  10. eddie just measured the snow- 20 inches!!! I sent Kathy a picture on phone, hope you got it.
    not much moving around here. loretta will stay here tonite, her power was still off a bit ago. tell greg to come on up for pj party if he needs some company and electricity!! hope you got some snow down there, hope today has been better. love to all, genie and eddie
