Saturday, December 19, 2009

Good evening,

We talked to Greg , in VA, and he said the snowfall measured approximately 22 inches at the house. WOW!! Genie and Phyllis both sent us pictures of the snow which looks beautiful. Here in Durham, we received a dusting of snow, freezing rain, and just plain rain...very disappointing. Last time I spoke to Greg tonight, he still did not have electricity and was heating soup on the gas grill.

Amy is doing well. Her mouth sores are improving. She just finished her "isolation room olympics"..... walking the U shape around her bed for 30 minutes. The doctors are in the process of switching her medications to oral/pill form. We are hoping they will discharge her Sunday or Monday. She will still have to go to the outpatient clinic everyday for blood work, IV medication and any infusions she may need.

Please continue to pray that Monday's bone marrow biopsy will come back with a good report.
For all those who did get snow... enjoy and Merry Christmas.

Love, Kathy


  1. Ann and Lynda have had 4 in of snow last pm.Snow was pretty but cold. Hope you continue to get good ones Keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers.
    love you, Ann and Lynda Ann is also the mother of TPO and his aunt Lynda.

  2. i just took a pound cake out of oven, yum yum!! tell greg to let me know when he is coming and i will get you one for sure. this is a trial run, i will test it out to make sure it is ok, lol!! glad the mouth feels better, maybe some yellow snow would help, who knows?? yuck, sorry. have a good evening, good to hear from annie roonie. love ya, genie and eddie

  3. Great! Sounds like you may even get out of there a little sooner than we though. I hope that is the case. You can deal with daily trips to the clinic, but it will be nice to be back in your own home. I hope those mouth sores are all gone very soon, sounds better. Keep drinking those nourishing drinks.
    We will definitely have a white Christmas, and New Year, maybe even Valentine's day and who knows maybe St. Patrick's day. This stuff is heavy, packed down, and it's cold!
    Love you bunches,

  4. Yes, the 22 inches of snow is beautiful! So deep the little ones couldn't walk in it. And I was blessed to be snowed in with all the grandkids close. Admittedly, the power being off about 27 hours was a nuisance, but we're all fine. Sounds like you're dealing with this latest round of trials as usual, with strong determination and faith. Hang in there! Glad the chicken pox and sores are clearing up. We pray for you constantly and send lots of love and Christmas cheer your way. Waiting to hear good news and more answered prayer after Monday's biopsy. We love you!
