Saturday, March 27, 2010

It's been a semi-good week. Like I said Tuesday I got to go off of my IV antibiotics but that meant I had to go on oral antibiotics. (They keep me on antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal medications constantly.) The first oral antibiotic we tried really upset my stomach so Wednesday and Thursday were kind of "yucky". They changed the antibiotic on Friday and so far it is better. I'm still very tired. My arm pain caused me to be more immobile than normal and I need to start walking again and build myself up. However, I really don't have many complaints right now. I feel good for the most part and the blast count in my blood is still slowly decreasing. I will have another bone marrow biopsy before starting two treatments a week. The PAs laugh and say I'm going for a record number of BMBs. They're really not that bad you just have to relax. (Hopefully none of you will ever have to have one though.)

Hope you all are enjoying this beautiful weekend,


  1. You are an old pro at BMB's, but everyone I talk to says they want to be out cold if they ever have to have one! They just don't know how good Threse is. We're thankful for her. Hope this is a very good weekend for you, soon it will be so warm these chilly days will sound good. Love you! Grandma

  2. Peace to you and Michael and your parents!
    May the Holy Spirit keep on sustaining you!
    Once again, we shall miss seeing you at the Easter 7 am Sunrise Service! (Do you think Jesus rose from the dead so early in the morning? Personally, I don't think he rose before 11, says Lisa Marshall the Night Owl.)

    Pax Romana!

  3. With all those meds that keep the viruses and infections at bay, it would be hard to have room for breakfast. :) But I'm glad they are available to you. I'll send more sour dough soon. Great to hear the blasts count is still decreasing, too. We are daily thinking of you and praying for you. We love you!

  4. "I really don't have many complaints right now," says Amy Crizer. OKAY, Girlie, come talk to me then. I will share MY Monday with you.

    YOU are so amazing. Your strength continues to amaze me. I want to thank you for that, Amy. At times we just need to be reminded of how strong we can be with our God with us and to stop trying to handle things on our own.

    TRULY AMAZING!! Sending lots of love and hugs.

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