Friday, July 31, 2009

So there are several things to update you on. They are letting me take "baby bottles" of Magnesium home. They literally look like baby bottles with an IV tube coming out of it that we hook up to my Hickman and let it run for 4 hours. The more exciting news is that they are going to give me Sunday off. They also said that hopefully soon I will only have to come to the clinic on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and maybe a weekend day.

Health wise I'm still doing well. My blood counts have been dropping some so they took me off of one of the medicines that can cause this. If this is the cause, they will put me back on the medicine - they just want to know what's causing drop in blood counts but not necessarily stop it.

Thanks to everyone,


  1. Hi Amy,
    Just wanted to stop in to say HI!!! Been busy here....going on a little vacation with the kids to Kings Dominion and a couple days at the beach. Maddi LOVED the roller coasters despite her Mama hating them!!! Luckily Keith likes them!!! Poor Carson was too little for them this year. Sounds like things continue to go well with you and now getting to skip days at the clinic YEAH!!!! We love you and keep you close!! Keith,Kate,Maddi and Carson (aka SNAKE) for some reason this is what he calls himself :)

  2. Amy Lucy, Hello there, Sounds like your kinda gettin things in cruise control. Thats good. Just got in from working 11-7 and figured id check in on you before I go to bed for a while. We're all doing fine here, Kel took Christian shopping for school clothes yesterday and I stayed here to get Adam to a friends bday party. Sure enjoyed seeing Michael the other day. Absolutely loved the car. but dont think im smart enough to figure out all the gadgets that it possesses. Mitch got him a new truck yesterday. Thought he might get him some of that Obama money for a rebate but that didnt work. He had a F-250 cluncker and it only qualified for an F-150, and he couldnt even trade it on a small car. There are some rules that some people dont know till they try to trade vehicles. Gonna go to bed for a little while. Be cool dude. Love CHRIS

  3. We're excited for you that you get some "days off" from the clinic. Hope the medicine adjustment works for those blood count levels quickly. We'll just pray that's the case. Can hardly believe it's August already. Lone Star is having VBS this week and only two weeks until school starts. We pray for you daily and check the blog, so continue to keep us posted. Hi to Michael, and Mom, too. Love ya!

  4. Amy, we are so glad you are doing so well. We think of you and your family often. Elizabeth is doing pretty good, she is tired of being in the hospital this time, it has been 9 days so far this time and she will not get to come home until Thursday if all goes well. It was great to see your dad at the golf tournament, it was very nice of him to participate. Elizabeth loved seeing everyone, she loves to go anywhere and when she gets to be the center of attention, all the better for her! We check in on your site often and always include you in our prayers. We pray for all to keep going in the right direction and for all this to be a memory soon. Please take care and know we love ya! Love, Kathy Lee
