Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Good evening from Duke University Hospital's top floor...yes, Amy is back in the hospital.
At the apartment last night Amy had some shortness of breath, with pain in her ribs, chest and back. The symptoms eased up and she slept good all night. We went to clinic this morning and she again had shortness of breath with pain. We quickly found that having chest pains gets a lot of people in your room taking care of you - which overwhelmed Amy. They did an EKG, vital signs, and administered medications. Her pain starting easing up and the doctors feel it is probably a side effect of the Vidaza she is getting, but suggested it would be good to admit her to the hospital and run tests, to make sure something is not being overlooked. We are hopeful that this stay will only be a day or two. The Vidaza is given to Amy by injection (shots), 2 a day for 7 days (we are on day 5). They can give the shots in her arms or stomach. The first two days Amy had shots in both arms and her arms became very red and sore. With her arms being so sore she decided the next two days to have the shots in her stomach, now it is red and sore, but she will probably keep taking the stomach shots, so she can have better use of her arms. Amy wants to continue the Vidaza because it seems to be working on bringing her white count down. (WBC was 22 on Friday, 15 Saturday, 9 Sunday, 7 Monday and 3.7 today.)
So we are once again on 9200 , and they gave us the 'Penthouse" room.. it is larger, has a window couch instead of seat (better for me to sleep on), plus recliner - so knowing all the nurses has its perks..:)
We are so grateful for our family and friends... thank you for all your prayers and encouragement.
Love to all,


  1. wow! in the penthouse. let them take care of all of you, they will get it figured out, amazing counts! thanks for thinking of all of us and updating. hope they can alleviate these problems quickly. love yall, genie

  2. Kathy, Amy, and Michael,
    You all are in my thoughts and prayers. We are hoping that your stay is short and Amy starts to feel better soon. Love you all.

  3. Thinking of you Amy. Hang in there. Think positive thoughts.

  4. Donna Simpson NicelyMay 11, 2010 at 10:02 PM

    Prayers for all of you.....may God's spirit be ever near.

  5. Glad the white count is coming down. Praying these symptoms go away and you're out of the hospital quickly. Sounds like your wonderful staff of medical professionals is taking very good care of you, and Mom, again. (Penthouse and window couch plus recliner.) VIPs are recognized everywhere. You're Very Important to all of us as well, so rest up, feel better and keep us posted. Lots of love and many prayers,

  6. Amy is in Penthouse? :) and you, too, Kathy? I hope Greg doesn't find out about this..

    Seriously, prayers continue. Thank both of you for keeping us informed.

    Love, HUGS and Prayers,

  7. I know it is not where you want to be but we are all thankful you are where you need to be. Also thankful about the good news for the white count decline! I'm such a "whimp" so I cannot imagine even a little bit of what Amy has experienced with courage and grace. Love & Continued Prayers for ya'll and the staff.

  8. I am holding you all up in prayer!
    Much love in Christ,
