Thursday, May 13, 2010

Good evening,
Amy is still in the hospital. The doctors wanted to continue to give her platelets and blood as needed and to make sure she did okay with her chemo treatment of mylotarg. They gave Amy the one treatment she will have of mylotarg from 4-6 p.m. this evening and it went smoothly. All the pre-meds they gave her made her so sleepy that she slept through most of it. The pains in her back, ribs and shoulders have been much better - she has barely used the pain pump today. All the pain medication had made her drowsy and a bit "out of it"... but that is getting better as the pain meds are used less. All the medications for the inflammation around the heart are working, her heart rate which was running 130-150 is now down in the 70-90 range and she is no longer having the shortness of breath. The chemo treatments will cause Amy's counts to drop and she will have little energy and be very susceptible for infection for a few weeks, but that should improve as her counts recover.

Today has been less hectic and quieter than the past few days. Grandma Phyllis V. had driven down Monday and headed back to VA today, so we had a nice, but busy, visit with her.

We have been so blessed by the emails, cards, phone calls, etc ..... each one lifts our spirits.
Thank you, Kathy


  1. Hey Babe,
    I'm home, very tired from a long day, but so happy to have been with you for 3 days. Do you remember whose birthday is today? Granddaddy's.
    I'm so glad you have had a better day and hope after your IV's tomorrow they might release you.
    Love you both, Grandma

  2. Donna Simpson NicelyMay 13, 2010 at 9:06 PM

    Blessings and prayers...........

  3. Just wanted to say hello and I love you all. Its been awhile since I have posted but I read this daily. I am praying for Amy and can't tell you how much I love you! xoxo

  4. Happy Anniversary. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.

  5. Thank you again for your updates. Prayers do continue as well as thoughts and virtual hugs :)

    Happy Anniversary, Amy and Michael!! I remember that special day well. Lots of excitement LOL

    Love and Prayers for our Pretty Lady,

  6. Hi Amy,
    I don't know you personally, but my husband works with David and I graduated with Karen. I have been following your blog since day one. I am also a big fan of peanut butter and chocolate. :) I have been praying for you and your family. I believe in the power of prayer. You are such an inspiration to everyone.
    Tiffany King-Sanders

  7. Happy Anniversary!! Hope you had a good evening and are feeling better today. Hope you get home for the weekend. sounds like meds are doing their job, keep up the good work!
    Love to all, Genie and Eddie

  8. Amy & Michael "HAPPY 5th ANNIVERSARY!" Even if you are are still in the hospital it doesn't matter cause love knows no bounds so whether you are 1 foot or a 1000 miles apart its all good!!! Aren't husbands great!?! (sometimes)...just kidding, what would we do without them, they are the only person who we want to do things for us, no matter what it is, and they do it with a smile, most of the time no matter how yuckey it may be cause thats just what true love is!!! Lots of love to each of you,
    Karen, Tim & Hollee

  9. Amy,
    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU AND MICHAEL!!!! BUT if you are like me 5 years sometimes feels like 15 :) Just kidding....I still like mine I know you still like yours :)
    Glad your heart rate has come down.....I know that was wearing you out!!! Miss Alli Carissa had a check up today (well...I guess her mama had the check up :) Everything is going well and she will soon make her appearance. Maddi is sooooo excited and Carson....well...he is such a boy he just doesn't care. Well just wanted to say hello and I LOVE YOU. Hope you have a GREAT WEEKEND. Send our love to Michael on your special day as well. With lots of Love and Prayers. Keith,Kate,Maddi,Carson and Alli :)

  10. hey honey and all of the honeys around you. got an email from your dad and even tho you are sleeping thru your anniversary, the update sounds encouraging as far as getting things back on track. tell him to read my email to him re our church outfits for tomorrows old timey celebration day!!! just know we love you sweet girl and are praying for gods healing touch. god bless. jane newkirk

  11. Hi Amy and all-

    I am so happy that you are getting the much needed rest-you sure deserve that-and it sounds like your pain is better, Thank God!

    I know everyone is taking good care of you-lots of love and prayers continue here in Alabama!

    Hope you get home tomorrow-take very good care and we will see you soon!

    Love to all-
