Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hello! I'm glad to report that each day since Saturday has shown improvement. My mouth sores are at a point that they are manageable with Lidocaine but my throat is still very sore. In addition to mouth sores, mucositis caused by chemo greatly increases fluids in the throat. So a cough also comes along with it which irritates my throat. However, I feel like I finally see a light at the end of the tunnel as far as my mouth. Wow - I didn't know I could write that much about my mouth.

Medically, my white count is still holding around 1.0 with just the Hydrea which is good. I'm still not sure when we will start the new drug called Revlimid. From my understanding this is not a chemo drug and does not have the side effect of mouth sores!!! So I'm looking forward to it.

Hope your week is going well and everyone is having fun getting ready to go back to school :),


  1. I just love reading of your progress and especially that those mouth sores are getting better. I hope the Revlimid starts soon and does a super job. So glad it won't cause mucositis, so maybe you will be able to eat what you crave. As far as going back to school; I have not talked to a single person who is glad school is starting. Christian is probably glad the football season is starting, I have to see at least one of his games, and I don't know diddly squat about football, just want to see him play. He's pretty special! You are hanging good, keep up the good work. Love you so much.....Hi to Michael and Kathy.

  2. Thanks, Lord, that the sores are better and count is still down! So Amy, I, for one, am very excited for school to start. I miss the kids and all my friends at work during the summer, even though the change of pace is nice, and productive. But I'm especially excited this year as my grandaughter Kylie comes to kindergarten. (Seems like only yesterday you and Robin and crew were in Mrs. Warren's room.) Keep us posted and know we're thinking of you and praying. Love you!

  3. Hey Pretty Lady,
    I'm not sure that Sharon is ready to have TWO resident Grandmas :) Maddi starts this year with Mrs. Warren, too. She may be as quiet as you were in my first grade classroom. I guess she takes that quietness after her Mema LOL
    Sending thanks and requests in my prayers for continued healing of your mouth and throat.
    Love and HUGS!

  4. Hi Amy and all!

    SO GLAD to hear that the mouth is improving-such good news-and glad the counts are holding also-I hope you get to start the R drug soon-

    All is fairly frenetic here-faculty back next week and then classes start on the 30th-I have a grad class this fall and I better get started on that soon...I taught it well last fall so I hopefully will only have to tweak it a bit-I hear Michael has a new class-hope he is doing ok with that-

    Is Kathy behaving?? Sure love and miss you all-

    HOpe to get up there soon!

    LOve and big hugs-


  5. Donna Simpson NicelyAugust 20, 2010 at 7:40 PM

    I love your "take" on things...while many would focus on the mouth sores and what they canNOt are making all of us jealous.....skinny, tanned and every day is a good hair day!!!!
    I pray for you are AMAZING!! have I written that before???!
