Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Good Afternoon - treatment #3 went as planned today. Still no nausea/vomiting, etc. just low blood counts. I got a three course meal at the clinic today with the treatment drug plus platelets and red blood cells. This will get me to at least Friday. There is some good news from the bone marrow biopsy last week. The biopsy I had BEFORE starting treatment shows about 90% blasts (immature cells that the cancer had made). The biopsy AFTER the first treatment showed about 50% blasts so that is very encouraging news.

On the non-technical front, my energy level is rising but it's a catch 22. With more energy I get more stir crazy sitting at the apartment. My white counts are very low so going out into public is a "no-no".

Hope all is well - Amy


  1. All is well here and sounds like things are going well there too. I am happy that there has been no reaction to your treatments. That's always GOOD! I'm sure you agree :) It always great to hear encouraging news. Our prayers, love and hugs continue to be showered on you.


  2. Wow! 90% down to 50% blast, wonderful! We'll take every bit of positive testing we can get. I just know that miracle is coming. God is good, all the time. You hang in there, just like you are doing, your attitude means so much.
    I'll be down next week and I'll fix you a three course meal you will enjoy!
    Love you much...tell Michael hi and to have a great trip.

  3. Hi Amy,
    So wonderful to know you are still feeling well and things are progressing in a very positive way. Love hearing this and stir crazy is "good". Love you so much,
    Aunt Robbie

  4. How exciting & encouraging, Amy!! Less cancer cells being made! (is that right?) And your stir-craziness is a great sign! But I hope you can find something to do that will make you feel less "trapped." We will keep praying harder and harder!
    Much love and prayers,

  5. Great news about the blast percentages!!! Praise the Lord! We'll pray they continue to decrease and that you continue to be nausea free. God is good! Glad you're feeling stronger and more energized , too. You may have to get a Wii to keep yourself entertained while "contained". They have such a variety of games and programs. Tell Mom and Michael hello. As always you're in our thoughts and prayers 'cause we love you!

  6. Amy- Great news!!! We like these uplifting reports. Perhaps it would be best if you continue to go "stir crazy," but find some way to put the energy to good use! God bless, David & Candy

  7. Hi Amy - that is the BEST news! We are thinking of you! Love, Suzanne & Chris

  8. YIPPEEEE!!!! What great news to hear on my Wednesday! I'm sure it's pretty hard being stuck indoors.. hopefully before long you'll be able to get out & about. My Hoos head down to play UNC this Sunday - hopefully Michael's "new team" won't be too harsh on my boys. I hope everything continues to go well - let me know if you need anything! I love you! Give kisses to your mom for me :)

  9. So very glad to hear your super news! Hopefully, those "icky" symptoms won't return and the next treatments will be successful. Brenda's right about the Wii being a good distraction for you. Tell Michael to have fun on this exciting trip & take lots of pictures. We're keeping you on prayer lists!

  10. I am told you need to get "Rock Band", that would be a great group, mom could do vocals!! don't get too rowdy and upset the neighbors though. the counts sound great, very encouraging. you all take care, and hope michael has a good trip. we love you all,
    genie and eddie

  11. Hey hey!

    Good riddance (sp?) to those blast cells-this is such good news-It is so good to hear that your energy is better-there is always that darn treadmill if you get too bored....

    Hope this is a great week for you folks

    Lots of Love-


  12. Amy Lucy, What wonderful news. Praise The Lord!!!. Thats what we eant to hear. With all that extra energy ya might have to make up a batch of them sugar cookies your so famous for.
    Christian had to have a salad the other night like the one he had at Amy and Michaels. Gotta admit it was good. 3 out of 4 of us have had the sickys here lately with sinus infections. Not been much fun here. We miss you always. Hopefully get to plan another trip in the near future. Another piece of cheesecake may be in the making. Talk at ya soon. Love Ya Bunches. CHRIS

  13. WOOHOO. Sounds like good news to me! hmmm....moms idea about rock band isnt too bad. I hope Michael has a fun and safe trip..hopefully youll be able to get out and about soon! xoxoxo

  14. r3rc vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvhhhhv jj
    jjj bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb vb c3
    Teagan translation: I just learned how to clap my hands and now I have something to clap about. Great news. I am still learning how to crawl and I am scooting across the floor. I guess I learned that right in front of you that day I was at your place. When I am not on the computer, I am playing with the remote control. I love all the buttons. Momma tells me that I shouldn't get use to holding it for long because girls never get to control the remote. Well keep feeling better and know I love you guys. Teagan

  15. Glad you got such great news with the new treatments. Teagan has been itching to get on and write you. Glad she finally had the chance. I finally finished the Webb trivia questions, but it was on my computer at school. I will be sending them to you soon. Well take care. We love you.
