Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hi everyone (this is Amy) - we are in Durham ready for my appointment tomorrow at Duke which is at 8:30. I'm still feeling really good but the trip down did tire me out even though I was just riding in the car. They say the appointment will last 4-6 hours in order for the doctor to go over my history and maybe run some tests. So hopefully we will have more information on what the next few months hold tomorrow. Thanks for all cards, comments, and especially prayers.



  1. hope this works!! good luck tomorrow at Duke. we love you all, you are doing great!!
    genie and eddie

  2. Hey Amy (and Everyone There in Durham)!
    So glad you arrived safely - have been waiting to hear from you today. I am praying everything goes very, very well. I love you all very much and, Amy, will be thinking of you constantly.
    Aunt Robbie
    (P.S. Keep an eye on that weather!)

  3. Amy,
    Glad to see you guys got down to "Duke" country ok. Hope and prayer everything goes very well tomorrow and things get rolling in the direction they need to. You and your support system that is with you at Duke and at "home" continue to be in our thoughts and prayers daily!!
    Love and Prayers,
    Keith,Kate,Maddi and Carson.

  4. Hi Amy,
    It's good to hear from you again :) We were all at Nana's today....and you KNOW what that was like. Everyone sends you their love and prayers. We believe that you are stronger than Harvey or Drew....thank goodness you aren't their size though!
    We love you, Girl!
    Nana's Gang

  5. Hi Amy, It is good to know you all are safe at Duke. I hear it is a wonderful place to get well! My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you, Michael and all of your families. May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
    Think positive thoughts.
    Jackie Cheatham

  6. We're glad you made it to Duke safely. We trust that the Cameron Crazies take wonderful care of you as the Wahoos have done thus far =) Know that you all are in our thoughts and prayers each and every day.

    We Love You Very Much --
    Drew & Brooke

  7. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Boo! I hope and pray that everthing goes well at Duke.

  8. Hi, Amy, Greg and Kathy!

    This is Tricia Terrell Patterson. Amy, I went to high school with your mom and dad. My mom, who still lives in Covington, told me about you. I'm praying for you to have a complete recovery. I have 2 daughters, ages 18 and 16, so I know this must be a difficult time. However, with God, anything is possible! From what I've heard, Amy, you have an amazing attitude about all this. Keep it up, and rest in God as he provides for and takes care of you. Hugs from near Atlanta, GA!


  9. Hi Amy and all-

    We are so glad you are in such a great place-you sound strong and your positive attitude is remarkable-that is critical-God is good and I'm believing in God!!!!I can assure you that he and all of us will get you all through this-one of the special blessings of something like this is the awareness of how much you all matter to real folks-can't buy that-you and the family are surrounded by love and care
