Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hi everyone! I got the usual treatment today plus infusions of platelets and red blood cells. We got the bone marrow biopsy results and are a little disappointed that the percentage of Leukemia cells had gone up a bit. It was not an outrageous percentage though so let's just hope and pray that having two treatments a week will really beat down the leukemia.

I'm still taking Cipro as my antibiotic but it has not bothered me like it did before. The treatments give me some stomach aches the day or two afterward (mostly in the mornings) but other than that I am fortunate to really feel good.

I wish you all a good rest of the week! Amy


  1. So glad the Cipro is not too bad. hope the
    new plan will work on those cells, sure it will!
    hope you have a good week, love ya, genie

  2. Glad the stomach aches are only for a day or two. And Cipro is "good stuff", so hopefully it won't bother you again. Is the spring You are constantly in our thoughts and our prayers. Hey to Mom and Michael! You are loved! (Psalm 18:2)
