Monday, February 15, 2010

Good morning! I apologize for not posting but I have not had internet since Friday. Things are still going pretty much the same. I will get my sixth treatment of the trial drug on Tuesday. They will also do blood work on Tuesday and Friday to see if I need platelets or red blood cells. On saturday, the nurse showed Michael how to unpack and repack my incision so I do not have to go to clinic everyday anymore! I can't even look at the site so I'm glad there are people out there that can handle that sort of thing. My most recent bone marrow biopsy showed that the percentage of Leukemia cells was about the same as the one before, maybe a small decrease. The doctors didn't expect much of a change since the biopsies were so close in time. They are also encouraged that the drug is at least keeping such an aggressive Leukemia from growing.

Belated Happy Valentine's!


  1. Hey Pretty Lady,
    Well, here I am at home again because of snow. 13 days missed so far. I guess I am enjoying my summer vacation right now :) Amy, you are such a blessing to so many of us. Don't you ever forget that. You have shown us such faith and strength and for that we are grateful. From talking to and knowing your parents, they feel so very blessed and privileged to have you as their daughter.
    Our prayers continue for you and Michael.
    Love and HUGS,

  2. Good to hear from you.....Hoping to see you before too long. Shaylen (aka Little Bit) may soon be re-named Little Nuisance, Little Miss Mischief, Miss Piddle Pot (she's recovering from a UTI...ALREADY!!!) etc. I'd love for you to meet her before she gets to big!

  3. Hi,
    Well, we had a beautiful snow today, but only got near 2", may get another inch in the next two days. I can handle these small snows, it's the big ones that cause me to hibernate. I dread all the mud when it thaws.
    Hooray for Michael. He is the No. 1 EMT in my book. Hey, I could do that, too. Hope this is a good week for all of you.
    Love you bunches,

  4. Glad the trial drug is doing what it's "supposed" to do. We're daily praying for you, and Michael, too. He's a pretty handy fella who not only brings you chocolate from world travels, cooks goose when he can find one, but is quite good at doctoring these days. You two are very special young people who have been blessed with each other. And you inspire and encourage all of us. While we all know that none of this is easy, we admire your faith and tenacity in facing these obstacles in your path and using them as stepping stones to go on. So hang in there being assured that God is in control and you have a whole lot of people who care and pray and are cheering you on. Love you!

  5. Hi,
    I like the new colors on your blog, but I can't figure how to get my comment in orange. Those colors are UVA, right? I guess the next ones could be either orange and green, or light blue.
    Hope this is a great day for you.
    Love you,

  6. amy darlin,

    your recent blog entry has piqued my interest??????? just what did you do to get put on internet time-out????????? did you hack into colonel saunders secret recipe file again?????
    or did you guys purchase guns for the contras using cia laundered money?????? trust me!!!!! that will get your name in the papers but it won't get the powers that be to cut ya off the internet?????? whatever you did......blame it on that richardson fella.....hes a bad influence on you and to run three black escalades just pulled up to the curb in front of my safe house...
    colonel ollie north
