Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hello Everyone! So I'm not really sure where I left off in updating you all so I will just start with this weekend. Saturday I woke up with chills/cold sweats/hot flashes and it was just a pretty awful day. I never had a fever but slept most of the day. The days since then have been much better. I'm still feeling extremely weak, especially in my legs. Going up the stairs is a challenge.

My white count has also started to climb this week so we are doubling the Revlimid and hoping it will do a better job, if not, Dr. Rizzieri has yet another drug in mind to start sometime in the next few weeks. After the mouth sore/mucousitis situation I'm going to really have to weigh the possible side effects vs. possible outcomes of these drugs. This new drug would also require about a weeks stay in the hospital. These are tough decisions that I need all of you to pray about. I trust God will lead me in the right direction.

Hope you all are having a good week,


  1. Hi Amy, It's good to know that you're feeling better after this past weekend. As always, you're right at the top of my prayer list, and I'll be praying for guidance, not only for you, but for your physicians as well. On another note, Holly got married this past weekend in Myrtle Beach. It's exciting to add another new son-in-law to the family! God bless, Amy!

  2. Amy,
    I will pray hard that God will guide you and your family!
    Blessings of God,

  3. I love the song, "On Eagle's Wing." I can see God holding you in the palm of his hand. Be at peace knowing that He will guide you. As I play this song this week, it will be my prayer for you.
    -Loved in Clifton Forge

  4. I think everyone who knows about your decisions will be praying hard for you. Just know that you are so loved and constantly held up to God for healing and wisdom for everyone and everything concerning you. My heart is there with you, I love you all. Grandma

  5. Hi there Amy,
    Happy Fall!! It's my favorite time of year. I am truly thankful that these last few days have been better for you. We are praying for more days like those. You are a wise young lady and I know God will give you, your family and your health care workers wisdom in those coming up decisions. You can count on him :)
    Well... I'm off to Maddi's soccer game/match -whatever they call it. This is a new sport for me LOL
    Prayers, Love and HUGS to my Pretty Lady :)

  6. Hi Amy and all-

    We are all praying for you in this time of decision making-and praying for your medical team to guide and direct you-I sure hope the mouth and throat are some better-I hear you had a cheeseburger!! wow-that is a good step

    I look forward to being with you folks soon-

    Love to all-


  7. Hope today has been a good day for you all. Praying that the decision for next drug will
    not be too difficult. Hear that the appetite is
    back some, hooray! enjoy anything you can, hope
    that continues to improve. wishing for a better
    upcoming week, hope to see you soon. Love to all of you, Genie and Eddie

  8. As always, you, your family, and your medical team are in our prayers. Thank you for the update so our prayers can be more detailed, although God already knows... So glad you enjoyed a better weekend with your family and hope this week brings more healing for especially those nagging symptoms. Love,

  9. Dear Amy,
    I was thinking about you and wanted you to know that I love you!

