In some exciting news we went to a wig shop on Saturday and I used some of the money raised by my dad's golf buddies (THANKS GUYS) to buy two wigs! (Men buying me wigs - somewhat ironic). Anyway, I had ordered a wig a LONG time ago and had some of Aunt Mary Beth's but I think I may be more prone to wearing the two I bought since I got to try them on and have professional help fixing them and things.
I am at the clinic now receiving both platelets and red blood cells. I have not received red blood cells in a while so hopefully this will give my energy level a bump. My white count dropped down from over 25 to 15.8, so it's still high but going in a better direction.
For reference, a "normal" person's white count should be between 3.2-9.8. A "normal" platelet count is between 150-450, and a "normal" Hemoglobin is 12-15.5 (Sorry to the scientist reading this post - I'm not sure what the units are). My platelets get down to the single digits and usually get up in the 40's after a transfusion. Okay, enough education for today.
They raised the dosage of my chemo last Thursday and unfortunately mouth sores have started to be a problem. As much as I love to eat I do not want to compromise my health just to help with mouth sores - we will learn the things I can and cannot eat. For a good laugh: right now I'm eating a lot of raw crescent roll dough! You just never know where you may have to get your nutrition from.
My only other complaint is that our apartment still isn't staying cool. Yesterday I don't think the living room got below 80! I know this is petty because some people do not have a/c but I am just not handling the heat well at all. Hopefully our landlord can do something about this soon.
Positives: No nausea and no pain other than the mouth. We also got some good news from the Duke financial office. I don't like to write about how much things cost/financial issues but lets all add a thank you in our prayers tonight for this.
Love and thanks to all, Amy